Check out The Rolodex Project at Her projects are pretty cool. In The Rolodex Project, you send her a Rolodex card with a drawing on it. I couldn't stop with just one . . . here's a sampling of some that I sent.

A Pig on a Pedestal
A Thoughtful Frog

The Library at the Armory, Pasadena
And then she sends some others back to me in return.
For her it's all about vintage fun. But for me (yes, still cell phone-less) a Rolodex is part of my everyday life. The cards I get in return will be tucked in there to make me smile.
Is there a basic beginner style perspective "Dick and Jane" book? A friendly one? One for non-artists? Or folks who are artist-esque? THAT is the one I am thinking of getting. That one.
You are bitchin'.
Hey Noho - if there exists such a book of which you speak, I have stopped searching for it. But I can teach you in a friendly, artist-esque way and then you too can be bitchin'. How's that?!
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